YXF-180/220-R Quadratische (zylindrische) Kernwickelmaschine-Elektrodenherstellungsmaschine

  • YXF-180/220-R Square (cylindrical) core winding machine-Electrode Making Machine
  • YXF-180/220-R Square (cylindrical) core winding machine-Electrode Making Machine

YXF-180/220-R Quadratische (zylindrische) Kernwickelmaschine-Elektrodenherstellungsmaschine

YXF-180/220-R Square (cylindrical) core winding machine|Electrode Making Machine

This equipment is used for the production of square power/energy storage power battery cells. The diaphragm and the positive and negative electrodes with the tabs cut are fixed on their respective unwinding shafts. The equipment completes the winding of the cell through automatic unwinding, automatic deviation correction and positioning, paste termination glue, cold pressing, short-circuit detection and unloading to the conveyor belt. , to complete the cell production.

Product Details
Electrode Making Machine
        This equipment is used for the production of square power/energy storage power battery cells. The diaphragm and the positive and negative electrodes with the tabs cut are fixed on their respective unwinding shafts. The equipment completes the winding of the cell through automatic unwinding, automatic deviation correction and positioning, paste termination glue, cold pressing, short-circuit detection and unloading to the conveyor belt. , to complete the cell production.(Electrode Making Machine)

Maschinentyp Maximale Materialbreite (mm) Länge der Polstückeinheit (mm) Geschwindigkeit (PPM)
YXF-180/220-R 70-220 2000-12000 ≥6 (10000mm langes Polstück)
Maschine zur Herstellung von Rechten

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