D-BJ Laserstanzmaschine - Maschine zur Herstellung von Laserelektroden

  • D-BJ Laser Die Cutting Machine-Laser Electrode Making Machine
  • D-BJ Laser Die Cutting Machine-Laser Electrode Making Machine

D-BJ Laser-Stanzmaschine-Maschine zur Herstellung von Laserelektroden

D-BJ Laser Die Cutting Machine (Roll to Sheet)|Laser Electrode Making Machine

This equipment is mainly used for forming the positive and negative pole pieces of the power lithium battery winding process. The incoming coil pole piece is laser-cut to the required pole piece shape, CCD visual defect detection and size detection, automatic material receiving and other functions, the highest speed can reach 300ppm, compared with the hardware die-cutting machine, the replacement cost is low, and the mold cost is saved ,higher efficiency.

Product Details
Laser Electrode Making Machine
        This equipment is mainly used for forming the positive and negative pole pieces of the power lithium battery winding process. The incoming coil pole piece is laser-cut to the required pole piece shape, CCD visual defect detection and size detection, automatic material receiving and other functions, the highest speed can reach 300ppm, compared with the hardware die-cutting machine, the replacement cost is low, and the mold cost is saved ,higher efficiency.(Laser Electrode Making Machine)

Maschinentyp Maximale Materialbreite Stanzgeschwindigkeit Genauigkeit der Polstückformung Glitch-Genauigkeit
D-BJ 650 mm ≥300 Seiten/Min. ±0,2 mm ≤100μm
er Maschine zur Herstellung von Elektroden

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