CNC-Stanzmaschine, CNC-Bearbeitung

  • CNC Punch Machine CNC Machining

CNC-Stanzmaschine CNC-Bearbeitung

Brand: AMADA    Japan
CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC Machining
CNC Punch Machine is the abbreviation of Numerical Control Punch Machine. It is a kind of punch press equipment operated by computer numerical control technology.
The CNC punch machine can automatically control the movement of the punch in the X-axis and Y-axis directions and the punching action of the punch according to the pre-written program, so as to accurately punch various shapes and sizes of holes, slots, etc. on the sheet metal.
It has the advantages of high processing accuracy, high production efficiency, high degree of automation, and strong adaptability. It can process various metal sheets, such as stainless steel, aluminum sheets, iron sheets, etc.
In practical applications, CNC punch machines are widely used in the processing of parts in industries such as electronics, electrical appliances, communications, automobiles, and hardware. For example, in the manufacturing of electronic equipment shells, heat dissipation holes, installation holes, etc. can be quickly punched out; in the production of automotive parts, it can be used to manufacture various stamping parts.
Marke AMADA Japan
Qty 1
Max. Reichweite 2540X1270mm
Genau 0,01 mm
Stanzen von komplexen Blechteilen, hohe Präzision und hohe Geschwindigkeit von Stanzteilen

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