CNC - Schälen, CNC-Bearbeitung, Betrieb der computergestützten numerischen Steuerungstechnik

  • CNC - LatherCNC Machining

CNC - DrehenCNC-Bearbeitung

Brand: STARSB-20R    Japan
CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC Machining
A Numerical Control Machine Tool is an automated machine tool equipped with a program control system.
This type of machine tool can make the machine act and process parts according to the pre-written program. Numerical control machine tools integrate the latest technologies such as mechanics, automation, computers, measurement, and microelectronics, and use digital information to control the movement of the machine tool and the processing process.
Compared with traditional machine tools, numerical control machine tools have higher processing accuracy and stability. It can process parts with complex shapes and high precision requirements, and can achieve efficient production of multiple varieties and small batches.
There are various types of numerical control machine tools, commonly including CNC lathes, CNC milling machines, CNC drilling machines, CNC grinding machines, etc. Different types of numerical control machine tools are suitable for different processing requirements.
For example, CNC milling machines are suitable for processing features such as planes, curved surfaces, and holes; CNC lathes are mainly used for processing rotary parts such as shafts and discs.
In conclusion, numerical control machine tools play a crucial role in modern manufacturing, greatly improving production efficiency and product quality.
Marke STERN SB-20R Japan
Qty 4
Max. Reichweite Durchmesser-20mm
Präzision 0,002 mm
Hohe Präzision, hohe Geschwindigkeit, Drehteil.

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