Einführung in die Sanyuan-Batteriematerialien - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Auf welche drei Elemente beziehen sich ternäre Batteriematerialien? -Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

10. April 2023

Which three elements do ternary lithium -ion battery materials refer to? The dynamic lithium -ion battery used as a positive material material with ternary material has gradually replaced the nickel -metalized battery, lithium cobaltate ion battery, and lithium iron phosphate cell battery with high capacity, good circulation stability, and moderate advantages of moderate advantages in the medium advantages of their capacity. The most mainstream battery on the market.

Which three elements do ternary lithium -ion battery materials refer to?

The reason why the ternary lithium ion battery is a ternary lithium -ion battery is because its positive material uses a ternary polymer containing nickel, cobalt, manganese (or aluminum).

The ternary lithium ion battery refers to the three elements: nickel (Ni) cobalt (CO) manganese (MN). Nickel and cobalt in these three elements are active metals, and manganese do not participate in electrochemical reactions. Generally speaking, the higher the content of the active metal component, the greater the battery capacity, but when the Ni content is too high, it will cause Ni2+to occupy a li+position, which exacerbates mixed cations and leads to a decrease in capacity.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

CO is also an active metal, but it can play the purpose of suppressing the mixed row of cations, thereby stabilizing the layered structure of the material. Mn is an important thing as a non -active metal to play a stable reaction to improve safety. Nickel cobalt manganese triple material can usually be expressed as: linixcoymnzo2, where X+Y+Z = 1.

It is found that the proportion of nickel cobalt -manganese in the orthopedic material of ternary lithium ion battery can be adjusted in a certain range, and its performance changes with the different ratio of nickel cobalt and manganese.

The ternary lithium -ion battery material can better achieve the mileage of battery life because of its high energy density, and it is well used in new energy vehicles. For example, the American Tesla pure electric vehicle successfully used the nickel -cobalt aluminum ion battery made by Panasonic in Japan. system. With the rapid development of global new energy vehicles in recent years, the market share of ternary lithium -ion battery materials will gradually increase.

Advantages of three yuan material lithium ion battery

In terms of capacity and safety, a relatively balanced material, the circulation performance is better than normal cobaltate. In the early stage, the nominal voltage was only 3.5-3.6V due to technical reasons. The nominal voltage of the ternary lithium -ion battery has been continuously improved and the structure has been improved.

Sanyo material lithium -ion battery has been modified in all aspects, and the number of cycles has been continuously increased. At present, the appropriate increase in costs can reach more than 1500 times, and the safety performance of lithium ion batteries of ternary materials has also been improved. Lithium iron phosphate is close. In the past two years, the new nickel -cobalt and aluminum new three -yuan material has higher requirements for the environment during the battery manufacturing process, but its stability and safety have been further improved, and they are recognized and tried by multiple battery factories.

The voltage platform is high. The voltage platform is an important indicator of the energy density of the ternary lithium -ion battery. The voltage platform of the ternary lithium -ion battery material is significantly higher than the lithium iron phosphate. The high line can reach 4.2 volts, and the discharge platform can reach 3.6 or 3.7 volts.

The characteristic of the three -yuan lithium ion battery is that the energy density is high and the voltage is higher. Therefore, the battery pack of the same weight is larger, and the distance between the car is farther and the speed can be faster.
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