Partikelbewegung während des Ladens der Batterie -Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Neue Technologie in den USA kann die Bewegung von Partikeln während des Batterieladevorgangs deutlich beobachten - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

05. November 2022

The battery performance is very important for electronic equipment.

Short charging time and long duration are all people's expectations for the lithium ion batteries that are currently widely used.

Recently, the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory of the US Department of Energy, in cooperation with researchers from Stanford University and other institutions, has developed a new X-ray microscope (STXM) technology, which can carefully observe the particle activity during the charging and discharging process of lithium ion batteries, which may help to develop lithium ion batteries with more powerful performance.

The research team published a paper in the latest issue of Science, saying that they specially designed and manufactured a "Liquid Electrochemical Ray Microscope Nanoimaging Platform" using the advanced light source of Berkeley Laboratory, which can image 30 particles at a time. The researchers said that compared with the transmission electron microscope (TEM) used in the past, the new platform has a larger vision and stronger penetrability, allowing users to observe some chemical specific changes in real time.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The research team used this platform to observe and image the activity mode of lithium iron phosphate particles in the charge discharge process, and recorded the chemical composition evolution and chemical reaction rate of particles in detail. They found that the charging process on the particle surface was not uniform and would get worse over time.

Theoretically, when the battery is charged, it is ideal that the positively charged lithium ions evenly cover the electrode surface, but in fact, this situation is very difficult to occur, especially after the battery is aged. The researchers said that the new technology platform enables them to conduct real-time imaging of the dynamic activity of the battery at the mesoscopic scale, which is difficult but important.

With this technology, they have the ability to analyze the changes of particle chemical composition and current density in real time, study the battery charging and discharging process, and image the internal electrochemical reaction of a single battery particle, which is very helpful to better understand the battery charging mechanism and optimize the battery performance. At present, the research team is designing a higher precision X-ray microscope with a target resolution of 1-5 nanometers.

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