Technologie zur Herstellung von photoelektrischem Wasserstoff - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Studie über die Wasserstoffproduktion durch photoelektrische Zersetzung von Wasser-Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

24. November 2022

Recently, Ye Sheng, a doctoral student under the guidance of Li Can, an academician of the CAS Member, the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis at the Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a researcher of the Solar Energy Research Department, made new progress in the research of simulating natural photosynthesis to build an efficient artificial photosynthetic system. Based on the concept of bionics, researchers combined partially oxidized graphene and hole storage layer, greatly improving the efficiency of photogenerated charge separation, thus realizing efficient photocatalytic decomposition of water to produce hydrogen. Relevant research results were published in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (J.Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, DOI: 10.1021/jacs. 7b10662) in full text, and were invited to be the cover article of the current period.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

By simulating the important functions of key components in Optical System II, the research team used BiVO4 semiconductor as light harvesting material and NiFeLDH, which can inhibit BiVO4 photoetching, as hole storage layer (Angel.Chem. Int.Ed., 2014, 537295; EnergyEnvironment. Sci., 2016, 91327). At the same time, the molecular Co cubane is used as the water oxidation catalyst to simulate the Mn4CaO5 oxygen release center in natural photosynthesis. Researchers found that partially oxidized graphene (pGO) can be used as a charge transfer medium between light harvesting materials and water oxidation catalysts, showing a function similar to that of tyrosine (Tyr) in natural light system II. The results show that the bionic system has high efficiency and stability in the photoelectric catalytic decomposition of water, and the initial potential of water oxidation reaction is 0.17V, close to the theoretical value of thermodynamics, which is the lowest value reported in the literature at present. In addition, the photocurrent of the system under 1.23V (VS.RHE) bias voltage is up to 4.45mA · cm-2, and the solar to hydrogen energy conversion (STH) is more than 2.0%. This work is a new progress made in the application of photocatalytic water decomposition after the research group applied the semiconductor and molecular catalyst coupling system to the relevant research of photocatalysis (J.Catalog., 2016338168; J.Am. Chem. Soc., 201613810726).

The above work has been supported by the 973 Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Strategic Pilot Science and Technology Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the Energy Materials Chemistry Collaborative Innovation Center (iChEM) of the Ministry of Education.
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