Markt für das Aufladen von Fahrzeugbatterien mit neuer Energie - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Markt für das Aufladen von Fahrzeugbatterien mit neuer Energie - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

13 Jun 2022

With the explosive growth of electric vehicles and the mismatched demand for vehicle piles, service platforms dedicated to providing mobile charging have emerged one after another.

To this end, the reporter selects "door-to-door charging" to charge after searching for a nearby charging car by operating "E about charging". On the afternoon of April 15th, reporters on Yumin East Road, Xicheng District, Beijing, waited for a recharge truck with "E-Charge". The reporter noticed that on the body of the truck, it was written that "the pre-stored charging price is as low as 0.99 yuan per kilowatt-hour".

"This is an expired advertisement, and it has not been replaced yet, so how could it be so cheap." According to the driver of the supplementary tram, the current mobile charging fee is 4.99 yuan per kWh, which includes a charging fee of 0.8 yuan/kWh and a service of 4.19 yuan/kWh. fee. In addition, if the car to be charged is within 10 kilometers, a door-to-door fee of 35 yuan will be charged, and if it exceeds 10 kilometers, it will be increased by 8 yuan/km.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

In fact, compared to the fixed charging pile of 2 yuan, the price of mobile charging is not cheap. But despite this, according to the driver, the actual profit is meager because the mobile charging car needs to be equipped with staff, put on manpower and make up for the transportation fee of the tram itself.

The entry of enterprises confirms the market demand for mobile charging from the side. But there is no need to have market feasibility. Due to the large investment in mobile charging costs and the slow return of funds, on the one hand, there is a market eagerness close at hand, on the other hand, mobile charging companies have fallen into the development mire of "necessity but no market" and "appealing hard to sell".

The reporter then called the "E-About Charging" customer service to learn that the company has put more than 40 electric vehicles in Beijing for C-end customers. It is worth mentioning that most of the current business is actually concentrated on the B side, that is, various electric vehicle time-sharing operators, taxi companies, travel agencies, etc.

In this regard, Ding Rui, founder of Zhichong, believes that mobile charging occurs when the current business model of charging piles is not good, and this charging method is not ideal in terms of efficiency or environmental protection.

Zheng Junyi, deputy general manager of Xingxing Charge, holds the same view. He believes that mobile charging is a product of the "empty window period" that appeared in the early stage of the layout of charging piles. With the improvement of the charging pile business model and the advancement of charging technology, it will gradually fade out of the historical stage.

Is it a fake demand or a real demand?

The reporter learned that mobile charging, as a charging form other than fixed charging, is used to quickly replenish electric vehicles anytime, anywhere. At present, there are mainly two kinds of charging facilities in the market, one is a hand-push, traction or vehicle-mounted charging treasure; the other is a mobile electric vehicle equipped with an energy storage battery or a diesel generator.

At present, a number of companies including Tedian, BAIC New Energy, Potevio New Energy, and Wanzun New Energy have successively entered the mobile charging field. In an interview with reporters, Jing Kai, deputy general manager of the Beijing company, said that mobile charging has got rid of site restrictions, and has obvious advantages in improving the utilization rate of vehicles and reducing vehicle electricity costs. It can effectively solve the anxiety of electric vehicle battery life and digest the excess capacity of fixed charging facilities.

Unfortunately, there is still no business model in the mobile charging market at present, and the mobile charging service platforms established by most companies generally encounter profitability difficulties. In this regard, Jing Kai said frankly that the procurement cost and operating cost of mobile charging equipment are high, and the return of funds is slow. At the same time, limited by the low utilization rate, there is no wide range of application scenarios for mobile supplementary electric vehicles, and it is difficult to form a market scale.

During the reporter's visit, it was found that the current cost of the energy storage battery in the vehicle-mounted mobile power bank is about 2,000 yuan/kWh, and the cost of the 50-kWh mobile power bank alone is 100,000 yuan, but the average daily revenue is very small. The cost of mobile supplementary trams is even more expensive.
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