Neuer Durchbruch bei Brennstoffzellen-Katalysatoren - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Neuer Durchbruch bei Brennstoffzellen-Katalysatoren - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

06. September 2022

But what the author wants to emphasize is that the achievements of these forward-looking technologies still have a considerable distance from industrialization. Of course, this does not mean that the research of domestic experts is out of industrialization, but that the lithium battery itself is still far from the next-generation battery technology.

The current domestic consensus is that in the near future, 300wh/kg will be achieved through high nickel ternary cathode and silicon carbon anode; It is to develop lithium-sulfur and lithium-air batteries to achieve a specific energy of 500wh/kg.

Among them, the recent high-nickel ternary/silicon carbon negative electrode system actually already exists, and the silicon carbon negative electrode material and 811 ternary positive electrode material have even formed a certain industrial scale, but in practical application, there is no domestic car company. The production of electric vehicles with batteries of this system, not to mention the formation of large-scale.

That is to say, in the "consensus" of domestic experts, the goals of 300wh/kg, 400wh/kg, and 500wh/kg are to be achieved, not large-scale application. Therefore, the prophecies of lithium battery technology frequently reported in the media and forums require another discount for consumers.

In fact, most of the power batteries of electric vehicles currently driving on the road are still the 523 ternary system that appeared many years ago. Therefore, from the application side, the most urgent improvement is not the innovation of lithium batteries (urgent is useless), but how to maximize the use of the current system of power batteries.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

But having said that, in the long run, the forward-looking technology of lithium batteries is directly related to whether the domestic new energy industry can achieve overtaking in corners, because even if automatic driving is realized, the importance of the power system will not change.

Let's take a look at the new technologies and major events in the lithium battery industry this week.

1. Low-cost carbon-based electrocatalysts greatly improve the energy density of fuel cells

According to foreign media reports, a research team from the University of Surrey and Queen Mary University of London has produced a low-cost carbon-based electrocatalyst, which can be used in anion exchange membrane fuel cells, which can help improve the energy density of fuel cells. to 703mW/cm2. In comparison, earlier energy densities in this field were only 50mW/cm2.

This kind of catalyst uses cheap halloysite as the template, and uses urea and furfural as its nitrogen source and carbon source, respectively. Furfural is an organic chemical that can be prepared from oat, wheat bran or sawdust. Then, the above materials were processed into black fine powders and used as nitrogen-doped carbon electrocatalysts.

Comments: Fuel cell catalysts have always been the focus of research in the field of fuel cells. After all, the cost of platinum electrodes is too high, and the low power of fuel cells that many people criticize is also because the cost is reduced and the amount of platinum is reduced (fuel cell power density Linear superposition), new catalysts are essential for the real large-scale application of fuel cells. In addition, life is also a major limiting factor for fuel cells. However, looking at the research, the raw materials of the new catalysts are all from crops, which inexplicably has an unreliable local atmosphere (remembering the reports of the use of crops to study lithium batteries and finally ended without success).

2. New technology rejuvenates lithium batteries

Citing Straitstimes news, researchers at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore have achieved a lithium battery recovery of 95% of its usable capacity within 10 hours by adding battery electrodes. Specifically, the new technology removes "impurity" substances that affect battery performance by adding new electrodes, so that battery performance can be restored.

If this technology can be commercialized, it will be very beneficial to the electric vehicle industry. At present, the number of cycles of lithium batteries for electric vehicles is still unsatisfactory. After a few years of actual use, the battery capacity loss is quite large, and the cost of replacing the battery makes the cost of vehicle use soar. The new battery repair technology can greatly reduce the frequency of battery replacement and improve the performance and cost-effectiveness of electric vehicles.
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