Forschung zu Sicherheitsmaterialien für Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Die Sicherheit von Lithiumbatterien ist ein Problem und die Forschung an neuen Materialien ist ein heißes Thema -Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

12. September 2023

Experts said that the formulation of safety standards should be actively promoted and vigorously implemented. Products that cannot pass safety standards must be strictly prohibited from being launched. This is one of the ways to solve the safety problems of lithium-ion batteries and reduce the occurrence of accidents.

With the rapid improvement of lithium-ion battery technology, its application fields are becoming wider and wider. While consumers enjoy the convenience that lithium-ion batteries bring to life, they also suffer from the panic caused by lithium-ion batteries catching fire and exploding. Therefore, people have paid great attention to the safety performance of lithium-ion batteries, and they also expect relevant departments to formulate safety standards for lithium-ion batteries as soon as possible.

Lithium-ion battery safety attracts much attention

The safety design of lithium-ion batteries includes many aspects. Battery safety structure design, selection of safety materials, safety protection function design, planned safety verification, etc. run through the entire process of lithium-ion battery design. Su Jinran, deputy chief engineer of Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd., said in an interview with a reporter from my country Electronic News that product safety starts with product design. Choosing safer electrode materials, separators and electrolytes is the primary consideration in battery safety design. As far as battery cathode materials are concerned, ternary materials, lithium manganate, and lithium iron phosphate have better safety than lithium cobalt oxide and lithium nickel oxide. These materials have been widely used in battery design and can achieve good safety performance.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

He said that the current domestic research and development and production of positive and negative electrode materials and electrolytes have reached a large scale, which can basically meet the requirements of lithium-ion battery design and production. In addition, the application research of some safety coating materials has become practical, injecting new impetus into the improvement of the safety performance of lithium-ion batteries. Domestic research and application work in this area still needs to increase investment and follow-up. He said that Tianjin Lishen Battery Co., Ltd. specializes in the development and production of lithium-ion batteries, and its product quality and product safety are generally recognized in the industry. At present, the company's lithium-ion battery material application platform covers lithium cobalt oxide, ternary materials, lithium manganate, and lithium iron phosphate material systems. The product series involves cylindrical, square, polymer and large-capacity power lithium batteries. In terms of improving battery safety performance, the company has established safety design guidelines, safety production process guidelines, and product safety testing guidelines. These three guidelines standardize the product design, production, and inspection processes and ensure battery safety.

Kensuke Nakatani, deputy director of Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd. Mobile Energy Co., Ltd., said that in terms of the safety of lithium-ion batteries, all components and materials used in battery manufacturing play an important role. They are now taking steps to combine components and materials to ensure the safety of such batteries. In addition, in order to make full use of components and materials, it is important to emphasize advanced industrial production technology and quality control technology to improve safety. To ensure the safety of lithium-ion batteries, batteries and electrical equipment must be considered comprehensively. At the same time, battery safety must be jointly addressed by electronic equipment manufacturers and battery manufacturers. Nakatani Kensuke explained.

Standard formulation should be based on independent innovation

Lithium-ion battery safety issues should be the same as food safety and have received the attention of relevant national ministries and local governments in my country. The government should actively promote the formulation of safety standards and vigorously implement them. Products that cannot pass safety standards must be strictly prohibited from being put on the market. This is Lithium-ion battery safety issues are one of the ways to control and reduce accidents.

Since the safety mechanism of lithium-ion batteries is very complex, especially the changes in the state of the battery after repeated use, which have a more complex impact on safety, the understanding of lithium-ion battery safety and the scientificity and effectiveness of standard formulation can have a gradual development. process, and the development and application effectiveness of external control technology should also be fully considered. Su Jinran told reporters that lithium-ion battery safety standards are a highly technical task, and battery standardization organizations and professional technicians and standardization professionals from the battery industry, users, electronic control and other fields should be fully utilized to participate in this process, including Necessary experimental verification work, etc. Lishen Company has always been actively involved in the formulation and revision of battery standards, drafting or participating in the drafting of lithium-ion battery standards such as GB18278, IEEE1725, and IEEE1625. In December last year, the company sent people to participate in the lithium-ion battery safety standards seminar organized by the Ministry of Information Industry in Shenzhen, and gave a special speech on battery recalls and battery safety standards.

Sun Chuanhao, a senior engineer at the my country Institute of Electronic Technology Standardization, said that currently lithium-ion batteries are roughly divided into two categories: energy-type and power-type products. There are certain differences in materials and design structures between the two types of products. Under the same safety premise , its standard test methods and even requirements may be different. Portable batteries, as they are commonly called, belong to the former category, including lithium-ion batteries for mobile phones, laptops, digital cameras and camcorders, while lithium-ion batteries for power tools, electric bicycles and electric vehicles can be classified into the latter category, he suggested. Relevant departments should formulate safety standards for portable lithium-ion batteries and power lithium-ion batteries respectively.

During the interview, industry insiders expressed that the formulation of lithium-ion battery standards must be based on independent innovation, but it does not mean working behind closed doors. Attention should be paid to absorbing and adopting international standards such as IEC, IEEE, and UL.

Expanding the automotive market is the focus

The important producing countries of lithium-ion batteries are Japan, South Korea, and my country. In this three-part world pattern, the exploration of many new technologies by Japan and South Korea is worth learning from. We still have some gaps in product technology and manufacturing, but our exploration of semi-automated production has also attracted the attention of foreign peers.

Su Jinran said that with the continuous expansion of battery application fields, battery capacity and power performance requirements are getting higher and higher, and safety requirements also vary depending on the application fields. When developing the potential of existing electrochemical systems, At the same time, the research on new systems and new materials will become a hot spot in lithium-ion battery research. Research breakthroughs in this area will inject inexhaustible impetus into the rapid development of the lithium-ion battery industry.

Because of their lightweight and high energy density, the application of lithium-ion batteries in the market is gradually expanding. In the future, lithium-ion technology will be widely used in hybrid and electric vehicles, which will further expand the market share of lithium-ion batteries. Therefore, meeting the needs of applications in this field has become the focus of breakthroughs for domestic lithium-ion battery companies. Huang Xuejie, a researcher at the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, emphasized that my country has now become a major lithium-ion battery production country after Japan, but it is far from a powerful country. At present, small batteries are mostly produced by hand, with uneven product quality and fierce low-price competition. The industrialization of power lithium batteries has just begun, and most companies are in their infancy. Battery and key material technologies that can meet the 15-year service life requirements of hybrid electric vehicles are still blank. In view of the extremely high technical difficulty of high-end products such as automotive lithium-ion power lithium batteries, only through the joint efforts of scientific research, engineering technology and management personnel, and the country's support in industrial technology and the establishment of a suitable technology diffusion mechanism, will our country be promoted The overall technical level of the battery industry has improved.
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