Lithiumbatterien treten in die Ära der Hochenergie ein - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Lithiumbatterien treten in die Ära der hohen Energiedichte ein -Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

12. Juli 2022

The theoretical energy density of lithium iron phosphate battery is only 180Wh/kg, so the ternary material battery has taken on the important task. There are many ternary material systems, which is the correct route? After continuous exploration by many companies, everyone seems to have reached a consensus that the ternary material battery with high nickel system is the future development direction.

A few days ago, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the sixth batch of "Recommended Model Catalog for Promotion and Application of New Energy Vehicles" (referred to as "Recommended Catalog") in 2018. According to the requirements of the new policy on subsidies for new energy vehicles, starting from June 12, starting from the fifth batch of this year, only new models entering the "Recommended Catalog" can enjoy subsidies. The fifth and sixth batches of "Recommended Catalogue" put forward higher requirements on the battery energy density and driving range of automobiles.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

In fact, the "Action Methods for Promoting the Development of the Automotive Power Lithium Battery Industry" has clarified the goal of my country's power lithium battery. By 2020, the specific energy of a lithium-ion power lithium battery will be greater than 300Wh/kg; the system specific energy will reach 260Wh/kg. kg; the cost is less than 1 yuan/Wh; the use environment is from minus 30 ℃ to 55 ℃; it has 3C charging capability, and strives to achieve 350Wh/kg of single battery.

The theoretical energy density of lithium iron phosphate battery is only 180Wh/kg, so the ternary material battery has taken on the important task. There are many ternary material systems, which is the correct route? After continuous exploration by many companies, everyone seems to have reached a consensus that the ternary material battery with high nickel system is the future development direction.

High nickel ternary materials become mainstream

Economists often use the supply and demand curves to analyze the market, and the intersection of the two is the balance point. Power lithium battery companies also apply this principle to analyze product development trends.

Wu Kai, vice president and chief scientist of CATL New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., demonstrated the relationship between the energy density and cost of power lithium batteries. With the expansion of scale and technological progress, the cost curve slopes downward; the only way to overcome "mileage anxiety" is to increase energy density, which is also the direction encouraged by the Chinese government and industry. The upward energy density curve and the cost curve form an intersection, and power lithium battery companies make a fuss around this.

Wu Kai said: "The company's battery design is based on the balance of cost and energy density. Below the balance point, ternary materials have the advantage; above the balance point, silicon-based anode systems and solid-state batteries have the advantage. Under the background that solid-state batteries cannot be commercialized yet, the ternary material system has become the main target."

Recently, at a number of industry development forums, experts from companies and scientific research institutions have said that lithium iron phosphate batteries are limited by their own material properties, and it is difficult for the current technical level to meet the energy density requirements stipulated by the state in 2020. The same is true for types of batteries such as NCM111 and NCM523 in ternary materials.

According to experts, the current mainstream NCM523 battery has an energy density of 160-200Wh/kg, which is far from 300Wh/kg. The researchers increased the nickel content in the ternary system, and the energy density of the battery was significantly improved, with NCM622 and NCM811 reaching 230Wh/kg and 280Wh/kg, respectively. In order to achieve the goal of 300Wh/kg, high-nickel ternary materials have become an inevitable choice.

Data show that in the first quarter of 2018, the domestic output of ternary materials was 31,670 tons, a year-on-year increase of 64.26%. Among them, conventional NCM models accounted for 78%, NCM622 models accounted for 14%, NCM811/NCA accounted for 8%, and NCM811 production increased significantly.

At present, there are two routes for high-nickel ternary materials, namely NCM (nickel-cobalt-manganese) and NCA (nickel-cobalt-aluminum). In high-nickel ternary materials, the important use of nickel is to supply capacity. The higher the content, the greater the energy density of the battery; the cobalt element plays a role in stabilizing the structure while contributing part of the capacity; manganese/aluminum is mainly used to stabilize Ternary architecture.
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