Kathodenmaterialtechnologie von Lithiumbatterien - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

Diskussion über die Kathodenmaterialtechnologie von Lithiumbatterien - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

19. November 2022

The scale of the global lithium ion battery industry is expanding rapidly, and lithium cobalate is the main cathode material in the small lithium battery category. In 2012, lithium-ion batteries accounted for 41% of the global demand for lithium terminals, of which the cathode material was the core key material, accounting for 30-40% of the cost of lithium-ion batteries. It is estimated that the scale of the global lithium-ion battery industry will reach 27.81 billion US dollars by 2013. In 2015, the industrial use of new energy vehicles will drive the scale of the global lithium-ion battery industry to 52.32 billion US dollars. In 2012, lithium cobalate, lithium nickel cobalt manganate and lithium manganate accounted for 47%, 22% and 19% of the global sales of lithium ion cathode materials, respectively.

Lithium cobalate materials in the small battery category will gradually be replaced by ternary materials and lithium manganate materials. There are differences in the development direction of power lithium batteries between China, Japan, South Korea and the United States. Lithium iron phosphate is the main energy storage battery. The global output of lithium cobalate materials was 39000 tons in 2011 and 43000 tons in 2012, with a growth rate of 10.26%, much lower than the 82.22% growth rate of ternary materials and the 141.43% growth rate of lithium manganate materials; The output of lithium cobalate materials in China was 15000 tons in 2011 and 20800 tons in 2012, with a growth rate of 39.67%, lower than the 76.36% growth rate of ternary materials and 106.00% growth rate of lithium manganate materials. We predict that the proportion of ternary materials in cathode materials will increase to 35%, the proportion of lithium manganate will increase to 30%, and the proportion of lithium cobalate will decrease to 25% by 2015. In the positive material industry of power lithium battery, China, Japan, South Korea and America power lithium battery companies adopt different material systems. Chinese companies mainly use lithium iron phosphate, while Japanese and Korean companies mainly use lithium manganate and ternary. In the field of energy storage battery, lithium iron phosphate battery is the most promising cathode material for large-scale commercial use in the future due to its good safety, low cost and other advantages.(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

The price of lithium cobalate has shown a long-term downward trend. The gross profit margin of domestic cathode material manufacturers is low, and the price of lithium carbonate is under pressure. The domestic cathode materials are still mainly lithium cobalate, and the sales growth rates of ternary materials, lithium manganate and lithium iron phosphate are lower than the global level. In 2011 and 2012, the domestic output of cathode materials increased by 24% and 39% respectively, while the output value increased by only 9% and 13%. Due to the pressure of the processing cost of electric vehicles, the price of lithium-ion batteries shows a downward trend in the long run. Due to the control of lithium-ion battery processors on the battery processing cost, the price of lithium-ion battery cathode materials (mainly lithium cobalate) also shows a downward trend. At present, the gross profit margin of domestic cathode material processing companies is low, which puts pressure on the upstream lithium carbonate price.

High barrier lithium manufacturers will benefit from the scale expansion of lithium ion battery industry. Ganfeng Lithium, a leading company in the lithium product industry, can supply raw materials for the processing of positive, negative and electrolyte materials. We expect that Ganfeng Lithium will benefit from the global expansion of the lithium ion battery industry no matter what the future trend of positive material technology is.

Non ferrous monthly tracking and investment proposal: the operating rate and import data in July show that the economy has stabilized, and the base metal price may continue to rise in late August. Although the operating rate of the company fell back in July, the company will speed up the pace of shipment and the operating rate will rise steadily in the future due to the low stock of raw materials and the expectation of future economic stability and product price rise; At the same time, the rebound in the ratio boosted the low level of copper imports in July. The copper inventory in the bonded area remained at the top and bottom of 500000 tons. Most imports had not yet been declared. 
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