6 Haupttechnologien der Lithium-Ionen-Batterie - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

6 Schlüsseltechnologien für die Stromversorgung von Lithium-Ionen-Batterien - Lithium-Ionen-Batterieausrüstung

09 Jun 2022

In 2018, Guoxuan Hi-Tech invested 493 million yuan in research and development. The research and development projects include: 22-platform lithium iron phosphate battery development, ternary battery development and industrialization, battery capacity design and manufacturing assurance technology, model-based battery design and There are 6 major projects including intelligent manufacturing technology development, technology to improve battery energy density, and 20 platform lithium iron phosphate battery development.

Among them, the 22 platform lithium iron phosphate battery research and development project, the battery capacity design and manufacturing support technology project, and the 20 platform lithium iron phosphate battery development project have been completed. The detailed project development direction and progress are as follows:(Lithium - Ion Battery Equipment)

(1) "22 platform lithium iron phosphate battery research and development project": mainly used in the product "2265146 battery", mainly in order to change the current traditional positive and negative material formula, develop high-performance conductive agents and binders, reduce their consumption, improve The ratio of positive and negative active materials, as well as the selection of raw materials with higher gram capacity, higher compaction density, smaller rebound, and the use of thinner current collectors.

In addition, according to the higher risk points of DFMEA, it is possible to focus on improving the process method and using the gap coating process, and the tab forming using the spot welding process. The project was completed at the end of 2018.

(2) "Ternary battery development and industrialization" research and development project: It is mainly used in the product "ternary 2714891 battery greater than 50Ah". The purpose of research and development is to change the soft connection structure, change the formulation of positive and negative materials, and develop high-performance conductive agents. , Increase the proportion of active materials, and increase the battery capacity under the same VDA size. As of the end of 2018, the project is in the mass production review stage.

(3) "Battery capacity design and manufacturing support technology" research and development project: mainly used in the product "27175200 battery", the research and development purpose is: to improve the material system; to select raw materials with higher gram capacity, higher compaction density and smaller rebound ; Lightweight design of cover plate structure; Reduce unit AH electrolyte demand; Optimize and research the sealing process to reduce the scrap rate. The project was completed at the end of 2018.

(4) "Model-based battery design and intelligent manufacturing technology development" research and development project: The goal is to develop an industry-leading high specific energy ternary power lithium battery with an energy density of 300Wh/kg. Based on the design decomposition of various theoretical models, from the perspective of material and design system matching, to achieve high specific energy while taking into account high safety, and develop high specific energy, low cost and long life power lithium-ion battery cells with active safety functions .

At the same time, with the implementation of this project as the starting point, an industrial technology alliance will be formed to break through the existing technical bottlenecks from all aspects of the power lithium battery industry chain, catch up with international advanced companies, and achieve breakthroughs in the core technology of power lithium battery manufacturing, so that lithium-ion power lithium The battery is developing in the direction of "high quality, high efficiency and high stability", and finally realizes the upgrading of my country's power lithium battery technology industry. The end of 2018 is in the design freeze stage.

(5) R&D project of "Technology to Improve Battery Energy Density": It is mainly used in the product "32135-15Ah battery", and the purpose of R&D is to develop high-capacity cathode materials; ; Lightweight design of structural parts to ensure mechanical strength; development of electrolyte and liquid injection processes. The battery energy density has been increased to 190Wh/kg, becoming a benchmark in the lithium iron phosphate battery industry. At the end of 2018, the project was in the mass production review stage.
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