Oberflächenveredelung-5, CNC-Bearbeitung, oberflächenbehandelte CNC-bearbeitete Teile

  • Surface Finishing-5CNC Machining


Size: 69.8 x 63.5 x 54.8 mm|CNC Machining

Product Details
CNC machining / Mild steel 1018 / Powder coated / Black|CNC Machining

Size: 69.8 x 63.5 x 54.8 mm
It refers to a certain specific type or specification of surface treatment or surface finish related to computer numerical control (CNC) machining.
In CNC machining, surface finish is an important aspect, which describes the quality and texture of the surface of the machined parts.
Machining completion: After processing, there will be visible tool marks and rough textures on the surface. Surface roughness (ra) is an important indicator for measuring its quality. Common ra values include 3.2 μm, 1.6 μm, 0.8 μm, 0.4 μm, etc. Among them, 3.2 μm is a typical machine finish, suitable for most consumer components; 1.6 μm is suitable for tight fittings and tensioned parts; 0.8 μm is suitable for components that withstand concentrated stress; 0.4 μm is the lowest and best achievable surface roughness grade, suitable for parts with extremely high requirements for smoothness, such as bearings and shafts in fast-rotating parts.

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