Beschichtete Walze, gebogene Walze. Mechanische Teile

  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts
  • Coated roller, curved roller Mechanical parts

Beschichtete Walze, gebogene Walze Mechanische Teile

Mechanical parts
Rubber roller is a roller shaped product made of metal or other materials as the core and rubber coated by vulcanization.

Product Details

Mechanical parts
Rubber roller is a roller shaped product made of metal or other materials as the core and rubber coated by vulcanization. As a major variety of rubber industrial products, rubber rollers play an extremely important role. Widely used in metallurgy, paper making, fiber textile, printing and dyeing, wood processing, plastic processing, office equipment and other industries, the roller has a close relationship with industrial continuity and efficiency. A rubber roll is generally composed of an outer layer of rubber, a hard rubber layer, a metal core, a roll neck and a vent hole. The company can choose different substrates and outsourcing different adhesives according to different needs, such as: neoprene rubber, butadiene rubber, polyurethane rubber, silicone rubber, chlorosulfonated polyethylene, ethylene propylene rubber, and can carry out anti-static treatment.

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